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SEO Companies in Dallas TX

SEO companies in Dallas TX

Dallas SEO

Often SEO Companies in Dallas TX fail to emphasize the critical importance of incorporating trustworthy links throughout a website. However, unlike those other SEO companies in Dallas TX, one aspect of Dallas SEO that Picasso’s Web stresses is the inclusion of trustworthy links on a webpage. After carefully selecting keywords and constructing effective meta page titles, embedding trustworthy links throughout a website is essential.

Links come in different forms throughout the Internet.  The most relevant links for Dallas SEO purposes are text links and image links.  Text links generally appear in an underlined, blue font that changes color after it has been clicked. This provides Internet searchers with a reminder that they have already visited the page where the link takes them.  Image links are the other type of links, and as implied, these links transfer you to other webpages by clicking on the image.

Do not let other SEO companies in Dallas TX make you believe that text links and image links hold the same value. Text links are the preferred method of incorporating links for Dallas SEO, because they are easy for search engine crawlers to read and analyze.  Of course, if it is not possible to receive text links when requesting them from other sites, you can settle for an image link.

Last modified on 08 April 2020
22 April 2013
Picassos Admin
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